07 January, 2021
Object-Oriented Programming was a paradigm I always eluded. Being a Javascript native (no, I haven't written a single line of Java), and…
27 December, 2020
On October 15th I started a new job as Front End developer. Starting anything in life can be a bit challenging at the beginning, a new job…
08 October, 2020
There is not a single person on the planet that hasn't been affected in one way or another by the global pandemic (ok, it MIGHT be the case…
31 August, 2020
I recently decided to build my website again, why? because my first portfolio although colorful and fun was way too old, and because this…
13 April, 2020
In the early ages of mankind, when Geocities roamed the earth and Netscape was king, the web was nice and simple. There was a bunch of…
26 February, 2020
Hello everyone, if you have been following some posts you might know that I've been learning about how to build small services in Express…
25 February, 2020
I've been recently reading an HTTP book written by K. Scott Allen (great book for beginners like me) and dwelling more with the backend, so…